Welcome to A Writing Journey Series – Part 1:
(This course is offered once a year)

A Writing Journey Part 1

Unlocking Our Emotional Center and Letting the Words Flow

Are you ready to dive deep into your emotions and discover the power of storytelling?

In this 8-week online writing course, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and creative expression. “Unlocking Our Emotional Center and Letting the Words Flow” is the first part of our Writing Journey Series, designed for writers of all levels who seek to infuse their work with depth, authenticity, and emotional resonance.
In my classes, we never just do exercises – they have to have a purpose. If you already have a manuscript you are working on, each exercise will be towards your work. If you haven’t yet started a manuscript, you are free to “dream your story into being” as we go.

Course Dates:

Class starts: July 1, 2024
Duration: 8 Weeks
Format: Weekly Online Sessions and Writing Assignments

Price: (Early Bird Pricing): 447.00
Regular Pricing: $497.00
Payment Plans for Regular Pricing Available

What You’ll Explore:

  • Understanding Emotions in Writing: Learn how emotions are the heartbeat of storytelling.
  • Mining Personal Experiences: Tap into your unique life experiences to create authentic, compelling stories.
  • Crafting Characters with Depth: Develop characters that resonate with readers through their emotions and journeys.
  • Setting the Emotional Stage: Explore how setting can amplify and enrich the emotions of your scenes.
  • Exploring Different Writing Styles: Experiment with poetry, prose, and more to express a range of emotions.
  • Overcoming Writer’s Block: Discover strategies to break through creative barriers and let the words flow.
  • Editing for Emotional Impact: Refine your writing to create powerful emotional connections with readers.
  • Reflecting and Celebrating: Share your journey with a supportive community and celebrate your growth as a writer.

Who Should Join:

  • Writers seeking to deepen their understanding of emotions in storytelling.
  • Those who are struggling to bring your story alive.
    • Individuals interested in crafting characters and scenes with emotional depth.
  • Anyone eager to connect with a supportive writing community and grow as a writer.

Course Includes:

  • 8 Live Weekly Online Sessions
  • 2 Writing Workshops Scheduled During the 8-Week Course
  • Weekly Writing Exercises and Prompts
  • Peer Feedback and Supportive Discussions
  • Resources for Further Exploration
  • Final Showcase to Celebrate Your Writing Journey

Reserve Your Spot:

Spaces are limited to ensure personalized attention and a supportive atmosphere.

Register now to secure your spot in this transformative writing experience.

Early Bird Pricing:

Sign up before June 9th for the $50 Discount!

Space is limited, so register early!

Next Session Starts: July 1, 2024
Regular Price: $497
Early Bird Price: $447

Meet Your Instructor:

Susan Nunn is an experienced writer, writing coach, editor and publisher and is passionate about helping writers unlock their creativity. “I have this thing,” she says, “about shallow writing, and work to move the writers from the shallows to the wild, creative current that runs deep within us all.” With over a decade of experience in teaching creative writing, Susan brings a unique blend of expertise and empathy to guide you on this writing journey.

Ready to Dive In?

Join us for “Unlocking Our Emotional Center and Letting the Words Flow,” Part 1 of our Writing Journey Series. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, this course will empower you to infuse your writing with the raw, authentic emotions that make stories come alive.

Register Now to Secure Your Spot!

My Story

I had been working on my writing for years. After earning my BA at Vermont College, I continued writing and working on the craft of writing. Then finally I applied to an MFA program and was accepted at Antioch University Los Angeles.

When I arrived on campus, I was such a novice. I had a completed manuscript in my hands as fragile as it was. I was so proud of myself for finishing it. I can’t even tell you how long I had worked on this, or how many revisions I had done. My professor read it and sent me home to rewrite it, saying it was more like a movie script, and he wanted me to write it as a novel. Whew!

That was the best thing that ever happened to me, thank you Leonard Chang, but I didn’t know it on that day. My heart fell to my feet. I was devastated, but I didn’t quit. Instead, I set out to figure it all out.

I decided to go for a dual concentration, both in Fiction and Creative Nonfiction, and then when I graduated, I stayed another term to get certified as a Creative Writing Instructor. That is what brings me to you today. I have been writing since I was about 14 years old, starting with a teen column in a Nevada newspaper, the Tonopah Times Bonanza, and went on from there, but I had never been taught what I am about to teach you.

My book, Song of the Earth, was/is about the US/Mexican border crisis. I had been living this at the time but had since moved to Missouri to care for my elderly parents and to finish my book there. When I got back to my parents’ home from LA and was trying to figure out how I was going to put this book together, I wrote something about the Border. Just two or three pages, and sent it off to a friend of mine, a Mexican diplomat, in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. I asked him for his opinion, and I certainly got it. He was livid! “Susan, my dear, this isn’t Mexico and the Border, you’ve missed the essence of it all.” And that was when I realized what this was all about. I was standing back, writing about it from a distance.

On that day, I fell off that perch I had considered a safe place to write from, where I could see and document things, but not get involved. I knew if I got too close to it, my emotions would get the best of me. So, I moved up closer, figuratively speaking, and wrote the story from the inside, from my heart. My life and my writing changed forever.

The writer’s struggle that hits so many of us, doesn’t have to be such a struggle. In this class, we will explore the Emotional Center where most of the great writing is ‘unearthed’.

Students will be guided to a deeper level of writing, one that will cut out several rewrites with techniques that will help them get to the meat of the material early on, instead of writing around and around the core of your work.

Remember, readers are smart. They need to be engaged on an emotional level.

The students will find this course filled with new and creative ways to open themselves to a deeper level. Remember: If you write or speak from your head, no one will hear you, but if you write or speak from your heart, the whole world will listen. Also remember, if you unlock the door to your emotions, you will then be writing from your heart.

"Susan Nunn, my editor, challenged me to dig deeper. All because she believed in me and my story and wanted me to be proud of every word. In the process, I began to believe in myself. She helped me tell this story with my heart leading the way. "
Rebecca Powers
Austin, Texas
“Susan does an amazing job of integrating readings, writing, guided imagery, meditations, interviews and group discussion into a deeply creative experience. This class will help you take your writing process to a new level.”
Marianne C.
“Susan Nunn is the kindest, hardest working editor who does so much more. Over Zoom calls, we worked my book page by page for as long as it took until I felt it was ready for publication. Since my book is about fire investigation true crime, Susan asked many questions about specific terms trying to make sure the general reader would understand my passages. She definitely goes above and beyond and is so knowledgeable. In short, Susan is a professional who is a total pleasure to work with. ”
Wayne M. Miller

What Others Are Saying

Over and over again, Susan has demonstrated wisdom, patience, and creativity in her guidance of me during my entire writing practice. She always waited patiently and guided me at just the right moment, always understanding and respecting my writing style, my needs, and my goals. I’m very grateful I found her.
Pam Verner
I was new to the world of book publishing. Susan guided me ably all the way. She represents the best of what America has to offer – honest, straightforward, hard-working, and an expert of her trade.
Arif Ahmad
In addition to being a lifelong friend, Susan is the one who gave me the final push I needed to make my dream of publishing my poetry collection a reality. She is a master of editing and publishing services and is incredibly dedicated to her craft – spending hours bringing your manuscript to life and ready to share with the world. She is easy to work with, provides honest feedback, and truly cares about the success of each of her clients. Love you, Susan!
Grace Gegenheimer

It's more than a course, it's a community

My Goal

To see each of you write from deep in your emotional center, have it be the best you can do, and to be published. I hope that each of you have the same goals. And I am here to guide you each step of the way.

For those who sign up during the 4-week pre-registration period, you will receive:


Leaning Into Silence – Building Unforgettable Scenes – (designed so you can take it at your leisure.) A simple but priceless technique.

$97 VALUE – FREE97

BONUS #2: Upon finishing the class, you will receive three months FREE of our: 


This class meets weekly and is designed to help each of you finish your writing. If you want to continue beyond these free three (3) months, there will be a nominal monthly fee. 

$200 Value – FREE

NOTE:  This class opens July 13th (at the end of A Writing Journey – Part 1 Class)